Thursday, March 5, 2009

Eliza goes potty

So lately, Eliza has expressed interest in the potty. She loves to flush and watch things go down. (luckily mostly toilet paper.) I decided that she is still a little young to be potty training, but I was at Target and decided to get a potty chair. We got home and she wouldn't leave the thing alone. She wanted to sit on it, put it on her head, put her toys in it. So when I went to change her diaper I sat her on it. She sat there for probably 20 minutes. I couldn't believe she sat there that long. I encouraged her to go, but no luck. Then when Josh got home we were getting her ready to go to bed and sat her on it again and she went!!! She was so excited and so were we. I know it will still be awhile but it's a start! Way to go Eliza!!


Diana said...

Look at all thoses teeth. She looks nothing like your last post. Good luck with the training, looks like she's off to a good start.

jayna said...

Wow- she's a little girl now! Adorable!

jill said...

Please, PLEASE tell me that I'm imagining the naked pic of Eliza on a froggy potty!! And if it really is there you need to go PRIVATE you lunatic!

Jennifer said...

I'm telling you, Eliza is really a year older than her birth certificate says.

Diana said...

Also, I agree with what Jill said. If I were near you I would razor burn you!

Alisa said... are so trendy. Potty training already?

Justin M. Bowen said...

Erin, just thinking about you brings a smile to my face! Your little girl is so cute! if she has half your personality I bet she is the funniest thing ever! Hope all is well, and if you ever some to Vegas call me!

Oh wait, blog me, I guess.

The Englanders said...

wow! she is getting soo big! How are you guys?